Apprenticeship Levy
Are apprenticeships increasingly used to develop advanced skills?
ISE’s Student Development Survey reveals how employers are using the apprenticeship levy in 2024. While there are...
Using the apprenticeship levy is easier than you think
It’s National Apprenticeship Week and a good time to reassess the role of apprenticeships. Simon Reichwald at Connectr...
How Co-op Levy Share is tackling underrepresentation in apprenticeships
Louise Timperley, apprenticeship manager at The Co-op, explains how they established Co-op Levy Share and the benefits...
How is the apprenticeship levy being used for existing and new staff?
ISE’s Student Development Survey sheds light on how employers are using the apprenticeship levy to train existing and...
Employers shift attention to school leavers to beat skills shortages
ISE’s Student Development report shows how employers are moving towards school leavers to tackle skills shortages,...
How employers are resourcing early career development in 2022
What impact has the pandemic had on how organisations resource early career development in 2022? ISE’s researcher...
How Aon maximises the apprenticeship levy to boost engagement
Aon’s approach to using the apprenticeship levy has evolved to support the development of its workforce throughout the...
Why apprentice recruitment stayed strong during the pandemic
While graduate recruitment fell during the pandemic, apprentice recruitment stayed strong, ISE’s Stephen Isherwood...
7 questions to guide whether graduates, apprentices or both are better for your business
Employers have lots of decisions to make about early talent. Simon Reichwald of MyKindaFuture considers how, at its...