5 ways to get more females into tech

May 11, 2023 | Diversity, Home Featured, How-to

Many employers want to improve gender diversity and get more women into the workforce. Rebecca Dunne at Not Going to Uni shines the spotlight on getting more females into tech.

The technology sector in general tends to be a male dominated environment – even in 2023. We have come a long way, but there’s still disparity and a gap that needs closing.

Research shows that 29% of tech employees in the UK are women or non-binary. Explanations point towards a gender pay gap, with women being paid less, having fewer progression opportunities and misconceptions from a lack of education. Additionally, there are fewer historical female role models to use as reference points.

Since more employers are catching on to the statistics and realising the gap, there comes the desire to get more females into the workforce. This places focus on improving hiring and attracting techniques to widen talent pool and candidate diversity.


Here are five ways to get more females into tech:

1. Rethink your recruitment tools

To attract diverse talent, you have to change your methods. Sticking to the same methods you use to recruit your current employees is not enough.

Have you heard of Women in Tech? They partner with employers who are passionate about improving gender diversity in the sector and attracting more females in. A profile there enables targeted recruitment, rather than sticking to generic jobs boards.

Targeted emails are another good shout. Not Going to Uni has this option, allowing employers to home in on talent pool data and focus attraction campaigns. For example, registered female candidates who specify an interest in the technology sector.


2. Celebrate the females you have within

If you have talented females already in your organisation, no matter what level they work at, celebrate their achievements. It is all well and good having women in the workforce but you need to keep them motivated and ensure the talent is retained to see a real benefit.

It can be as simple as giving social media shout outs or personal feedback or awards ceremonies.

This will help the females within to feel more satisfied and comfortable. At the same time, it attracts other females as they learn you are an inclusive, supportive employer.


3. Creative content is the way forward

Not Going to Uni speaks day-in-day-out to employers and one of the first things we ask is what content they are using to engage with Gen Z.

More often than not we hear that employers are using generic content, made up of the majority workforce and with limited variation or inclusivity. This is by no means the right way to attract future talent.

You need to focus on demonstrating how you are an inclusive employer, hiring people from all different backgrounds and paths of life; neurodiverse, gender, ethnicity, social mobility…the list goes on.

To attract more females in tech, you could use a female ambassador or influencer who can sing your praises and represent your aim. Females seeing this content will then be able to relate. This increases the likelihood of them wanting to also work in the sector, knowing it is ‘acceptable’.

The majority (90%) of the clients we have worked with on creative filming campaigns have had a deliverable to showcase a female inclusive workforce!


4. Start young

Research suggests the lack of women in the technology sector is possibly down to misconception from the lack of education in females.

So, use your expertise and get into schools, go to careers fairs, host virtual talks/webinars. Break the misconception and help to educate young females into the technology sector.

Help move away from the typical tech visualisation of a male computer geek with glasses sitting on a computer and coding. And the stereotype that boys are better in school at science, IT and mathematics; the STEM related subjects.

If you speak in front of the audience you later need i.e. young females, then your words will ring positive alarm bells and those interested will remember your name.

If you don’t plant the seed at low, early stage level, when will it ever be planted?

Read how Arm and Uptree are engaging school students in STEM careers.


5. Revise your job adverts

If you are trying to attract more females into your organisation, be direct. For example, replace ‘IT tech analyst apprentice’ with ‘female IT tech analyst apprentice’.

We have seen multiple employers do this, and it works! If you don’t ask for what you want, how will you get it?

Likewise, in your job adverts, include a range of benefits with some female-specific. For example, mention any female networks or flexible working hours, particularly key for future working mums.

It is also advised to update your diversity disclaimer and note in the advert that you are inclusive and accept applications from all backgrounds. Though it may seem obvious, unless it is spelt out, how will anyone know?

Getting more females into the tech sector is a movement. You cannot do it alone as a single employer. But what you can do is start and be a part of the domino effect to bring change for the sector.

As explored above, there are many ways you can get involved and do this. So when are you going to make your change?


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