Advice for managing high levels of applications

Nov 3, 2020 | Selection & assessment

Content provided by: Amberjack

As competition for entry-level jobs intensifies and the number of applications soar, Amberjack offers advice.

It comes as no surprise that employers are experiencing a significant rise in the number of applications they’re receiving.

The ratio of applicants to available jobs has more than doubled during the pandemic, with some roles attracting increases of more than 1,300%, according to research from Search Consultancy. Compared to the same period in 2019, the response-to-application ratio from March to July 2020 showed an increase of 144% year-on-year.

Recruiters are in a very difficult position. Not only are they dealing with a lack of time and resource to manage this level of interest, but they are also dealing with the emotional pressure which comes with making hiring decisions in this context: deciding who to offer a job to has always been a huge responsibility but, when many of your shortlisted candidates are out of work, desperately want to be in work, and clearly have the skills and abilities required to be in work, the anti is upped.

As experts in volume recruitment, Amberjack have been bringing the quality to quantity for over 20 years. For employers facing unprecedented application volumes, we recommend five simple things:


1. Ditch CVs

CVs are time consuming, subjective and inconsistent.

2. Use objective data points

More than ever before, recruiters need to be able to make confident decisions. This requires multiple data points and increased objectivity.

3. Automate

With clever use of technology you can automate the end-to-end applicant journey, introducing massive efficiencies for both applicants and recruiters.

4. Efficiently allocate effort

Look at your recruitment process end-to-end and ensure that you have the optimal resource allocated to delivery.

5. Be human

Digital era recruitment, especially against the backdrop of a pandemic and global economic downturn, is all about empathy, transparency, authenticity and open and honest communication.

To get the full guide click here or to arrange a time to speak to one of the team click here.

ISE’s annual Student Recruitment survey offers latest data and insight to applications and the selection process