Covid bulletin #31

Oct 29, 2020 | Sector & policy

This is the thirty-first of a series of bulletins produced by ISE to update members on key data and policy on Covid-19. This covers the period 22/10/2020-28/10/2020.

You can access all of the Covid-19 bulletins on ISE insights.

Latest Covid-19 data

Data taken from Wikipedia and from the government’s Covid-19 dashboard.

The UK has now had a total of 942,275 identified Covid-19 cases and 58,925 deaths (with Covid on the death certificate). The data shows that the UK’s second wave is continuing and possibly accelerating. The number of cases has continued to increase and the pattern of the number of deaths doubling every two weeks has been maintained.


Lockdown policy




The economy

  • Where is the economy now? (Analysis from Vicky Pryce on ISE: Insights)
  • The Chancellor has announced that he will be conducting a one year spending review in late November. Various groups have started to campaign on what they would like to see in this reivew e.g. The Edge Foundation.


The labour market


The student labour market


Student recruitment and development


Employer insights

Insights gathered from ISE employer ‘town halls’ and other interactions over the last week.

  • There have been concerns as to whether enough students are engaging in virtual recruitment events. The quality of interactions are often high, but getting enough people can be difficult. 
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