Our top 10 blog posts of 2020

Dec 16, 2020 | Sector & policy

We countdown our most read student recruitment and development blogs of 2020.

Whether it’s for facts, stats, inspiration or just a nudge in the right direction, ISE members have been clicking their way to Insights for help with pretty much one thing on their mind this year – Covid-19.

Don’t worry if amid all of the turmoil you think you may have missed a trick – here are our most read blogs of 2020.

10. ISE annual survey: 3 key student recruitment trends – ISE’s most widely anticipated research report summed up in three key trends. If you want to know how the pandemic has turned student recruitment and development on its head, then this one’s for you.

9. ISE Pulse Survey: Taking the temperature of the student labour market – back in January we asked our members what they thought the year would bring. Among all the talk of Brexit and Boris bounce, no bit of crystal ball gazing could have predicted what was to come. If you remember the pre-pandemic world through rose tinted glasses, this post will bring your gaze sharply into focus.

8. How can we support the Corona Class of 2020? – Keith Herrmann, member of the ISE Research and Policy Steering Group and consultant to UA92, turns ISE’s second covid survey into actions for universities, employers and policymakers.

7. Down but not out. How the student labour market is responding to Covid-19 – this is the second entry in our countdown for ISE’s second covid survey. This time our own data guru Tristram Hooley teams up with Gabi Binnie from AGCAS to give their take. There’s even a glint of a silver lining.

6. Covid-19: Impact on the global graduate market – if your territory is more Cape Town than Camden Town or more Manhattan than Manchester, or if you simply want to know how student recruitment is faring on the other side of the planet then this post is for you. Covering insights from 21 countries, it highlights that Covid-19 matters everywhere, and to everyone.

5. Employer learnings from virtual assessment centres – at the start of the pandemic 40 careers professionals got together to talk assessment centres and how they could best run them online. Rowena Bach from PeopleScout offers learnings and advice. If you can’t be bothered to read it, then watch our webinar.

4. Internship Experience UK – a lasting impact on the graduate careers space? – this summer was all about sharing – advice, stats, experiences and, quite frankly, anything that may give even a slight bit of reassurance that we weren’t in it alone. So, it comes as no surprise that Ben Triggs’ post made the top 5 with insight on how the professionals at Bright Network run virtual work experience.

3. Tips for taking your assessment centre online – the second post from Rowena climbed even closer to the top spot with early findings and top tips to help others also embarking on virtual assessment centres.

2. How to adapt work experience and internships during Covid-19 – internships and work experience and how they can (and can’t) run during lockdown has been one of the most discussed topics among our member network. This post, from our CEO Stephen Isherwood, summarises the options for 2021. Part of ISE’s indispensable An Employer’s Guide to COVID-19.

1. COVID-19: Challenges for student recruitment – There couldn’t be a post more fitting than this one for the top spot. ISE was the first to offer data that showed the impact the pandemic was having on the recruitment and development of students as well as the early careers labour market. The resulting report and blog have been read and cited time and time again throughout the year.

Thanks to everyone who offers the ideas and content that make Insights so invaluable. Read how you can get involved in 2021.

Keep clicking and we’ll see you next year.