News Digest #6

Apr 6, 2022 | Sector & policy

Last week at the development conference I gave a keynote on Thursday morning, sharing insights into the latest trends in development for student hires over the last year. I talked about how graduates are more likely to leave jobs now than at any point in the 10 years leading up to the pandemic. Considering that the future of the UK economy is uncertain, as people face the biggest drop in living standards since 1956 it’s no surprise that early career hires are citing dissatisfaction with pay as a significant driver for seeking a new role.

As fresh sanctions loom, the war in Ukraine is being felt far and wide. After ‘Bleak Friday’ last Friday, we can expect discussions about salary increases to match inflation and the cost of working at home for employees. Yet salary is not the only factor that retention, and aiming to reduce attrition is not futile. Rather graduates are viewing customised programmes that offer development opportunities that keep pace with their career aspiration as attractive in the long run.

More broadly, news this week paints a picture of an early career labour market that is experiencing changes. For example, there is an increasing shift towards school and college leavers. Considering that 66% of digital leaders say they cannot keep up with changes due to a lack of talent, strategically focusing on developing the talent pipeline with apprenticeships is forming a major component of the levelling up strategy. Considering the levelling up agenda is, at heart, about tackling economic and social inequalities, it is increasingly important to connect the levelling up agenda to the labour market.

Considering that unfilled vacancies In the UK hit record levels as workers leave the labour market, It Is pertinent to understand how to maximise the Impact of early career hires on meeting commercial talent acquisition challenges. Let’s end this news roundup with a quote from Dr. Amber Wigmore Alvarez. In this news piece: “The global jobs outlook is dominated by The Great Reshuffle – vacancies are high and it is definitely a job seekers market. Graduates are looking for flexibility around working patterns and tangible opportunities for learning and personal growth. The pandemic has shown that there are alternative ways of working and graduate recruitment programmes need to consider how they can adapt to attract the best global talent.”

Have a great week,



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