Covid bulletin #29

Oct 15, 2020 | Sector & policy

This is the twenty-ninth of a series of bulletins produced by ISE to update members on key data and policy on Covid-19. This covers the period 08/10/2020-14/10/2020.

You can access all of the Covid-19 bulletins on ISE insights.

Latest Covid-19 data

Data taken from Wikipedia and from the government’s Covid-19 dashboard.

The UK has now had a total of 654,644 identified Covid-19 cases and 57,690 deaths.


Lockdown policy




The labour market

  • The labour market position has worsened as the existing furlough scheme comes to an end. Redundancies are rising at a record rate.
  • The government announces a new furlough scheme for those forced to close their businesses.
  • The government’s career assessment, which is designed to help people rethink their careers, has been receiving a lot of criticism on social media. Russell George discusses the controversy on the FE Careers IAG blog.


Student recruitment