Covid-19 bulletin #7

May 7, 2020 | Sector & policy

This is the seventh of a series of bulletins produced by ISE to update members on key data and policy on COVID-19. This bulletin just covers the period 30/04/2020-06/05/2020.

You can access all of the Covid-19 bulletins on the ISE website.


The week in Covid-19

Data taken from Wikipedia.

An update from the Office for National Statistics on the social impact of Covid-19 has been published.


The end of lockdown






The student labour market


Student recruitment


Employer insights

The following insights are based on ISE’s interactions with employers during the period covered by this briefing.

  • Summer internships. Many employers are cancelling summer internships, with some developing alternative virtual offers. They are trying to offer some feedback and support to candidates where schemes are cancelled, but they report that they are unlikely to be able to use short or virtual schemes as part of their selection processes for future employees.
  • Autumn recruitment campaigns. Many employers do not anticipate being on campus in the autumn. Instead they are more likely to run digital campaigns and attend virtual careers fairs and events.
  • Recruitment budgets. Many employers expect that their budget for recruitment will be squeezed next year.
  • Starting salaries. Many firms report that there will be no increase in starting salaries this year, with some reporting cuts.
  • Virtual induction. Many firms are planning for a virtual induction of new starters in the autumn. Some firms have indicated that they are currently thinking about how best to deal with new starters who will need to shield for longer periods.
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