COVID-19 Bulletin #3

Apr 9, 2020 | Sector & policy

This is the third of a series of bulletins produced by ISE to update members on key data and policy on Covid-19. We are changing the day on which we release the bulletins from Monday to Thursday. So this bulletin just covers the period 06/04/2020-08/04/2020. It may be useful to read it in tandem with Bulletin #2.

You can access all of the Covid-19 bulletins on the ISE website.

Data taken from Wikipedia.


Politics, policy and government



  • Research by HEPI and YouthSight suggests that many young people do not trust their predicted grades and fear that this will impact on the qualifications that they are awarded following the decision to suspend the normal examinations.
  • Student voices. Young people discuss the experience of finishing their education in the middle of the lockdown.




Labour market


Student recruitment and development


Employer insights

The following insights are based on ISE’s interactions with employers during the period covered by this briefing.

  • Recruitment and selection processes have largely moved online, with many employers continuing to recruit.
  • Some firms are hoping to still run shortened versions of their summer internships (perhaps starting in mid-July).
  • Firms are preparing to induct new staff virtually if they need to.
  • While some firms are reducing the numbers of new hires from September, others are continuing to move ahead with planned numbers.
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