Covid-19 bulletin #12

Jun 11, 2020 | Sector & policy

This is the twelfth of a series of bulletins produced by ISE to update members on key data and policy on Covid-19. This bulletin just covers the period 04/06/2020-10/06/2020.

You can access all of the Covid-19 bulletins on the ISE website.


The week in Covid-19

Data taken from Wikipedia and from the government’s Number of coronavirus (Covid-19) cases and risk in the UK webpage.


Ending lockdown


Politics and policy






Labour market


The student labour market


Recruiting during Covid-19


Employers insights

The following insights are based on ISE’s interactions with employers during the period covered by this briefing.

  • Inductions. Some employers have already started their inductions for this year. Other are moving start dates to early in 2021. Many are moving inductions online but are still unsure about exactly how this is going to work.
  • 2021 recruitment campaigns. Some firms are considering delaying or cancelling their 2021 recruitment campaign. Many indicate that recruitment budgets are likely to be down.
  • Sharing candidates. Organisations are gearing up for an increase in the number of candidates per vacancy next year. There was some interest in passing unsuccessful candidates onto other organisations within the sector as part of a way to manage rejections.
  • Concern about online recruitment. Some firms which need to recruit candidates for jobs that are strongly focused on inter-personal skills or skills where context matters expressed some concerns about the shift to online recruitment. Will the online recruitment approaches reliably deliver the candidates that they need? Others are worried about tech poverty and other diversity issues associated with online recruitment.
  • Salaries. Many firms report that they have frozen new hires salaries and may not give existing staff a pay rise.
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