Covid bulletin #67 Can winter restrictions be avoided?

Nov 25, 2021 | Sector & policy

This is the 67th of a series of bulletins produced by ISE to update members on key data and policy relating to Covid-19. This bulletin covers the period 12th November – 25th November 2021.

You can access all of the Covid-19 bulletins on ISE insights.


Latest COVID-19 data and news

Source: Government Covid-19 dashboard.

Please note – November figures in the top graph only currently include data until 18/11/21 for hospital admissions and 23/11/21 for cases and deaths. In addition, the average daily hospital admission rate for the most recent week in the second graph is based on data from 15/11/21 – 18/11/21.

The UK has now had over 9.9m identified Covid-19 cases and 167.9k deaths (with Covid on the death certificate) in total. Average daily case rates are still at similar levels to where they were in early October, but a decrease in both hospital admissions and death rates over the last few weeks can be observed.

Source: Government Covid-19 dashboard.

80.3% of the 12+ UK population are now fully vaccinated against Covid-19, with another 8% having had one dose. 11.7% remain unvaccinated. 15.6m ‘booster’ third doses have also been given.






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