Covid bulletin #64: Jabs for over 12s

Oct 14, 2021 | Sector & policy

This is the 64th of a series of bulletins produced by ISE to update members on key data and policy relating to Covid-19. This bulletin covers the period 1st  October – 14th October 2021.

You can access all of the Covid-19 bulletins on ISE insights.


Latest Covid-19 data and news

Source: Government Covid-19 dashboard.

Please note – October figures in the top graph only currently include data until 08/10/21 for hospital admissions and 12/10/21 for cases and deaths, hence the large decrease between September and October shown. In addition, for this reason, the average daily hospital admission rate for the most recent week in the second graph is based on data from 04/10/21 – 08/10/21


The UK has now had almost 8.3m identified Covid-19 cases and 161,798 deaths (with Covid on the death certificate) in total. Covid-19 cases have remained broadly stable in the last 6 weeks, averaging at around 34,500 new infections reported a day. Despite this, a slight reduction in Covid-19 related deaths and hospitalisations has been observed in the last few weeks.

Source: Government Covid-19 dashboard.

Please note – the previous Covid-19 bulletin showed the vaccination status of the over-16 UK population. Vaccinations are now being offered to children of 12 and above, so we are using this as our population. Therefore, caution is recommended when comparing the figures in the two bulletins.


79% of the 12+ UK population are now fully vaccinated against Covid-19, with another 7% having had one dose. 14% remain unvaccinated.






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