Covid bulletin #51: The lockdown roadmap is going as planned

Apr 8, 2021 | Sector & policy

This is the 51st of a series of bulletins produced by ISE to update members on key data and policy related to Covid-19. This bulletin covers the period 25th March – 7th April 2021. As the speed of Covid news is slowing down at the moment we are switching these bulletins to be fortnightly rather than weekly, but we will keep this under review as the situation develops.

You can access all of the Covid-19 bulletins on ISE insights.


Latest Covid-19 data

Data taken from Wikipedia and from the government’s Covid-19 dashboard.

The UK has now had over 4.3 million identified Covid-19 cases and 149,000 deaths (with Covid on the death certificate). The government has now stopped reporting a national R rate in favour of more localised R rates as it is argued that this gives a better picture of the situation.

The number of new cases is now well below the October average although it is still considerably higher than it was during summer 2020. It is largely continuing to fall, although there was a slight rise last week. The number of deaths has now been dropping for nine weeks and is now below the October level although still higher than summer 2020.


Covid news

Data from the government’s Covid-19 dashboard.

  • The UK’s vaccine rollout continues to go well. But there are concerns about both the safety of the AZ vaccine and its supply. Meanwhile two new vaccines are also being rolled out.
  • The government is exploring the use of ‘vaccine passports’ in various contexts.
  • The mental fatigue caused by lockdown can be quickly reversed by renewed social contact argue Christopher Hand and his colleagues.




The economy


The labour market

Data taken from the Office for National Statistics data on unemployment and NEET levels.


Changing patterns of work


Student recruitment and development

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