ISE Business Directory

Services Offered
Diversity, Employer Branding, Global Services, Internships, Strength Based Questions, Other

ProjectSet is an award-winning digital platform for learners to build soft-skills through work-based learning programs. Learners from more than 2,000 schools and universities participate in our virtual bootcamps, projects and hackathons to practice and showcase their soft-skills.

We help employer organisations to set-up bespoke virtual projects and competitions in minutes and roll these out to learners across multiple high schools, universities and geographies to identify the talent with the right skill as well as crowdsource innovative ideas.

We are the exclusive technology platform behind some of the best known bootcamps and competitions for students such as Annual Skills Bootcamp and Anveshan.


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Main Contact
Dhruva Banerjee
Phone Number

"Its a fantastic way for us to see some of the amazing talent that are out there in the market", BUPA Early Career Talent Attraction Manager

"Thank you so much ProjectSet for this opportunity! It was great to work through this journey and create a meaningful project that empowers a greener future!" - ClimateHACK participant

Organisation Size
  • ProjectSet Limited
  • ProjectSet Limited
  • ProjectSet Limited