Why you need to attend the ISE Apprenticeship Conference

Jan 22, 2020 | Apprentices & school leaver

Helen Alkin, head of strategy & resourcing emerging talent at British Airways, has a leading role in the ISE’s apprenticeship strategy. Here she offers a preview to our Apprenticeship Conference and why you need to get involved.

I have been on the ISE Board for little over two years, and have always been passionate about ensuring that at the end of my board tenure, I can look back and have some tangible deliverables to reflect on and be proud of.

As one of two board members responsible for setting the direction of our apprenticeship strategy, we have a big responsibility and are keen to ensure that the end result offers members added value: It has to make an impact on both day-to-day jobs and organisations.

We were overwhelmed by the initial response to our request for members to be part of a proactive, action focussed, steering group – and now have circa 20 active participants on the group from a cross section of sectors and organisations. Without this level of input and engagement, it would be nearly impossible to pull together content that delivers for our wider membership base. 

This team have been instrumental in driving the agenda for the new ISE Apprenticeship Conference on 4 February. Their engagement, passion, knowledge and insight have been critical to building an agenda and content that feel really exciting, up-to-date and on message. It offers something that promises to add value to all those attending, regardless of their experience and background.

As someone who is often expected to be ‘the expert’ and who, up until a couple of years ago, had very little experience or knowledge of apprenticeships, relying heavily on making contacts with those more in the know, I am really excited about the end-to-end apprenticeship journey that the conference has been set up to deliver.

From practical guidance in establishing a business case and really getting under the skin of how to select and work with a training provider to understanding the life cycle of a student and the key milestones that ensure engagement strategies can be well targeted, the conference will take all participants on a journey. 

The conference includes speakers from across the industry. From employers that have already gained experience to those haven’t got it right first time, but have already learned the lessons. It also offers the opportunity to network with a variety of other employers, universities and suppliers.

Regardless of what your level of experience is, there will be something for everyone. A conference developed by our colleagues in the industry for our colleagues.

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