Covid bulletin #27

Oct 1, 2020 | Sector & policy

This is the twenty-seventh of a series of bulletins produced by ISE to update members on key data and policy on Covid-19. This covers the period 24/09/2020-30/09/2020.

You can access all of the Covid-19 bulletins on ISE insights.

Latest COVID-19 data

Data taken from Wikipedia and from the government’s Covid-19 dashboard.

The UK has now had a total of 453,264 identified Covid-19 cases and 42,143 deaths. Globally we have now seen over a million deaths from Covid.




The labour market


The student labour market


Student recruitment


Work in the pandemic

  • Companies are trying to create informal networking and socialisation opportunities around ‘virtual watercoolers’, but it is more difficult than it looks.
  • Concerns are growing about the range of forms of surveillance that are being used by employers to manage homeworkers.
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