Covid bulletin #26

Sep 24, 2020 | Sector & policy

This is the twenty-sixth of a series of bulletins produced by ISE to update members on key data and policy on Covid-19. This covers the period 17/09/2020-23/09/2020.

You can access all of the Covid-19 bulletins on ISE insights.

Latest Covid-19 data

Data taken from Wikipedia and from the government’s Covid-19 dashboard.

The spike in cases continued to gather pace over the last week with the number of cases doubling. The number of deaths continues to remains low although it is rising again. The UK has now had a total of 409,729 identified Covid-19 cases and 41,862 deaths. The number of worldwide Covid cases has passed 30 million.


Changes to lockdown and social distancing



  • Schools are struggling to deal with the number of Covid cases they are experiencing. The number of tests available for schools is insufficient to meet the need.
  • Concerns have already begun to be voiced about the viability and need for a plan for next year’s GCSEs and A levels.
  • A large number of universities began term over the last week, but there were concerns that campuses may have to close again due to the spike in cases.


The labour market


The student labour market


Student recruitment

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