Covid bulletin #18

Jul 23, 2020 | Sector & policy

This is the eighteenth of a series of bulletins produced by ISE to update members on key data and policy on Covid-19. This bulletin focuses on the period 16/07/2020-22/07/2020. 

You can access all of the Covid-19 bulletins on the ISE website.


Latest Covid-19 data

Data taken from Wikipedia and from the government’s Number of coronavirus (Covid-19) cases and risk in the UK webpage. This week we are reporting the weekly number of cases and deaths as this shows a clear and steady decline in the extent of the disease over the last two months. The data for the week 19-25th July is still incomplete.

  • The UK currently has reported a total of 2916,377 cases and 45,501 deaths. 
  • The R number (which describes the rate of transmission of the diseases) has been creeping up, but there is more to monitoring the disease than watching the R number
  • There is excitement about the possibility of a Covid vaccine following publication of new research in Oxford. 

Ending lockdown


Politics and policy




Further and higher education




The student labour market

  • School leavers are facing an uncertain future as they try and enter the labour market. 


The international graduate labour market

ISE and INEUCS have published new research on the international graduate labour market during the Covid crisis. Tristram Hooley has written a blog summarising key findings, but a brief summary can be found in the figure below. The report received some coverage in the press including this piece in FE News

Employer insights

The following insights are based on ISE’s interactions with employers during the period covered by this briefing.

  • Plan for Jobs. There is some concern about how to responding to the Plan for Jobs. Most firms are still trying to decide what to do. Generally, they are not sure that the money is enough to drive employer behaviour. Mainly people will continue to do what they were going to do anyway. Some reported an interest in the Kickstart scheme, but firms will need to spend time developing a quality recruitment process for this route. 
  • Wider impacts of Covid. A lot of firms are spending a money on converting business to be Covid safe. Some firms are also managing restructures and redundancy. This has an implication for early careers. 
  • Virtual careers fairs. These seem to have been working well so far. A key decision for firms is between targeted university virtual fairs, larger national ones and company specific ones. 
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