Covid bulletin #14

Jun 25, 2020 | Sector & policy

This is the fourteenth of a series of bulletins produced by ISE to update members on key data and policy on Covid-19. This bulletin just covers the period 18/06/2020-24/06/2020.

You can access all of the Covid-19 bulletins on the ISE website.


The week in Covid-19

Data taken from Wikipedia and from the government’s Number of coronavirus (Covid-19) cases and risk in the UK webpage.

The UK currently has reported a total of 306,210 cases and 42,927 deaths. The following chart shows how the seven day average has changed since last week.

Despite the loosening of lockdown we are still in the first wave of Covid-19.


Ending lockdown

Politics and policy




The student labour market


Recruiting and developing talent during Covid-19

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